Accidental Double Ticket Purchase Meant Two Big Prizes Winning a jackpot prize is an exciting time. But imagine accidentally buying a second ticket and winning the jackpot....
Broken Watch Came at the Right Time It’s frustrating when a piece of personal equipment breaks down. When it’s something vital like a clock or a...
Big Australian Lottery Winner Will Give Back It doesn’t take much to restore one’s faith in humanity. Sometimes, all it takes is to hear of random...
Single Australian Lottery Jackpot Winner of $107.5m Australian lotteries tend to slip under the radar in Europe. Jackpots are not quite as large as the UK’s...
Queensland’s Accidental Double Lottery Winner The news is full of accidental wins. From the spouse who gets the numbers wrong to the person who...
A Jackpot Dream Became Reality Now, we all dream of winning the lottery. Some of us figuratively and others literally. But how many people...
Woman Who Couldn’t Afford Coffee “Would Buy Cafe” You know things are bad when you’re so poor you couldn’t afford coffee. It’s one of life’s small luxuries...
NZ Lottery Winner Hospitalised with “Euphoria” It’s probably the first case of its kind. In July, a 70-year-old man named from New Zealand called Lou...
Aussie Thought Lottery Win Was Elaborate Joke We all have that one friend, you know – the one who will play an elaborate joke. The joke...
Avoid These Lottery Numbers at All Costs Choosing one’s lottery numbers is a matter of personal choice. Some people go by favoured numbers, birthdays and other...