Nearly everyone felt (and continue to feel) the impact of COVID-19. Some people had a much harder 2020 than others. Take 36-year-old Samantha Moreton as an example. A recent divorcee, Samantha is one of many people who lost their jobs in 2020 due to the pandemic. When COVID cost her her job, she worried about what might happen in the future. How long would it take to find a new job? How long will this pandemic last? What happens next? All these questions and more came up as they did for many other people. But in November, Samantha won a major lottery prize which meant she could breathe easy for the time being.
COVID Cost Her Job – Then She Won £250k!
Initially furloughed, Samantha’s employers ceased trading in the summer. Sadly, they were one of many casualties of the economic downturn. Samantha worked as a warehouse manager until COVID cost her that job. That’s when the worry set in – joining thousands of other people worrying about the future. Like many people, Samantha is a keen lottery player. She didn’t expect the difficult year to end on a high for here though, but it did. In late November, Samantha entered the EuroMillions draw, playing a lucky dip line. That night, she won £242,000 and felt a wave of relief pass over her.

COVID cost her the job she loved. Samantha had no idea though that by the end of the year she’d be able to buy a house with cash; that’s exactly what happened. She immediately began searching for a place to call her own and to move in with her new partner. The new couple will also pay off the rest of the loan they have on their car and live on what is left of the money. It really could not have come at a better time for them.