Sports and arts are among the hardest hit during the pandemic. Where charitable contributions from the general public are concerned, they’re quite low down the awareness list. However, they are vital to nurturing new sporting talent – from professional footballers to Olympics, every pro and world champion started in a grassroots organisation. That’s why the various UK lotteries give regular grants to sports clubs. Recently, the National Lottery for All (Scotland) granted three Fife sports clubs cash for development. It’s much needed cash at this particularly difficult time.
Which Three Fife Sports Clubs Will Benefit?
Duffus Tennis Club: The tennis club received a £10,000 from National Lottery For All in Scotland. They will use the grant to install new floodlights and resurface four of their tennis courts.
Largo Bay Sailing Club: The sailing club received a grant worth £7,000. This money will go towards a replacement for its safety boat.
Balgonie Bowling Club: Finally, the local bowling club received a £4,900 grant. They will purchase a new new mower machine to keep the lawn trim and tidy.

The Sailing Club said the new safety boat will benefit all the community, helping anyone stuck around the waters of Fife. Incidents increased in the last year as more people take to the water for leisure or to learn a new skill. While most of us are stuck at home, going out when permitted, it means more strain and incidents for safety organisations. This could not have come at a more welcome time on so many levels.
Similarly, the tennis club said the new courts would permit tennis all the year round. Through recent British success at tennis, it’s important to nurture young talent. The new court comes amid a call for new members to take up tennis for fun or competitively.
Sport Scotland part funded and supported all three grants.