It’s been a tough few years for many different groups. Arguably, the hardest hit in the economic instability are the younger generations. They have observed cuts to services and low job and career prospects. That’s why so many local schemes around the country target younger groups specifically. Their aim is to encourage them to engage with various aspects of their lives. Just before Christmas, lottery officials announced that two groups for young people issues based in Milford Haven split £20k. The first, called PAT Ponies, offers family counselling through learning to ride ponies. The second group, called Milford Community Society, helps young people develop life skills.
About the Young People Issues Groups
The £20k grant has been split roughly equally. The PAT Ponies CIC organisation said that they would use the money to offer new services to families. The cornerstone will be a “getting back to nature” retreat days. However, some of the money will be used to upgrade the current facilities to improve the overall user experience. Essentially, it will allow them to hire a qualified psychotherapist for therapeutic riding experiences.

The other recipient, Milford Community Society, will use its £9,900 grant to begin a series of workshops. Its remit is to teach NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people employment skills to help them improve career prospects. It’s easier to engage people with active and hands on experiences. The workshop model has proven especially useful for issues such as this.
It is thanks to the Big Lottery Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund and players like you that groups like this can benefit. Every year, groups apply for and win some of these amazing grants. They end up helping the people who most need help in society. We expect to bring you more stories of local groups benefiting from lottery funding as the year goes on.