We all dream of winning the lottery. For most, a significant win like £1m means an end to our money worries. It means planning holidays about which we could previously only dream. But there are the small luxuries too. Whether it’s a car, a home upgrade in a nicer area, or renovating a current home. Most of us aim for those smaller luxuries and it’s those that make the most interesting of stories. Steve and Jill Walsh won £1m on the Millionaire Raffle in 2016. Their most enduring luxury was a luxurious man cave for Mister Walsh.
Win Enabled Luxurious Man Cave
The enduring story of the Walsh family is one many winners can identify with. In 2016 when they won, they did not own their own home. Mister Walsh had a simple dream – that they each should have a space of their own. Like many men, he wanted a personal retreat like a luxurious man cave. A man cave is a shed, allotment, garage, or other space set aside used for personal pursuits. When they bought their home with their lottery winnings, Mister Walsh was finally able to create his dream space. Now, he has a shed in the garden full of all the things that interest him. He calls it The Dive Inn.
The luxurious man cave is a shrine to his passion for diving. It contains paraphernalia from both before and after their win. He is passionate about music and so naturally the cave contains some of his favourite instruments. The win came at the perfect time for the couple. Mrs Walsh had just finished a gruelling 13-hour shift at the hospital when she found out about the £1m. However, Mrs Walsh also has personal space – a “woman cave” of a personal gym to retreat to when she needs her space. Both their sheds appear at a new lottery exhibition this month.