A new play about lottery winners that opened last year in Liverpool is back on tour and will visit several theatres in the northwest over the spring and summer. Millionaires Anonymous met with audience applause and critical acclaim as it follows six winners who blew it all. The story of the play follows the hapless six as they attend therapy to come to terms with the win and the later loss. It promises comedy and tragedy in equal measure. The titular “Millionaires Anonymous” is the name of the fictional support group helping people who lost it all.

Play About Lottery Winners
Last year, the comedy play about lottery winners featured only at the Unity Theatre in Liverpool but this year it is back. The full tour dates are:
- The Brindley, Runcorn on 10th May
- The Atkinson, Southport on 12th and 13th May
- Salford Arts Theatre on 1st, 2nd and 3rd July.
If you want to see this popular and amusing comedy play about lottery winners, you are advised to get tickets soon. Its popularity last year has led to this second run. Further interest may lead to another tour in 2017, but that all depends on the success this time around.
Following a similar programme to Alcoholics Anonymous and Gambler’s Anonymous, their treatment and therapy includes a 12 step programme designed to come to terms with what happened to them, and to discuss with others the pleasure and angst at winning so much money and then losing it again.
Though at first it seems to be a story of loss and coming to terms with losing so much money, the comedy play about lottery winners doesn’t stop there. During the course of the therapy, it seems the six have conspired to start a syndicate in a hope of winning what they had lost.