What a great couple of years it has been. The centre, funded entirely by charitable donations, can now open some time in the spring of this year. Most crucially, the North Devon Cancer and Wellbeing Centre Appeal raised some £300,000 from National Lottery funds for good causes. They are still some way to go to meet their funding targets though, needing another £400,000 for the cost of building the project. Centre advocates started fundraising in 2017, raising £1.1m so far of the total cost. The total quote of building is £1.5m. They are confident of making up the shortfall.

What is the North Devon Cancer and Wellbeing Centre?
North Devon Cancer and Wellbeing Centre received just over £300,000 from the National Lottery. This will go towards the running costs once the centre is built. The centre, once built, is a fully charitable facility. It will support not just cancer patients, but also other people with long-term health conditions. However, unlike a lot of other such medical facilities, it will also support families of those with long-term sickness. From diagnosis, treatment, recovery and getting back to a normal life, Residents of North Devon new cancer facility is state of the art. Attached to and within the grounds of North Devon District Hospital, it’s a much needed cancer facility for the area.
Now that the National Lottery has taken care of the running costs, the Wellbeing Centre Appeal can focus on raising the build funds. With just a few months to go, the project is a few hundred thousand pounds short. However, they are confident residents of North Devon will continue to dig deep to find the money. They will explore further fundraising options. For now though, immediate concerns of ongoing funding are relieved for at least three years. All the best to the facility and its fundraisers.