Camelot held a special lottery draw following the return of our Olympians from Rio. Team GB Olympic success meant a record medal haul. The country’s athletes beat the previous record set at London 2012. We have already discussed how the national lottery has contributed to our improved medal haul of recent Olympics. By way of thanks, the special draw took place at the beginning of September. Due to this success, one lucky retired couple celebrated with a £1m win. Bill and Jean Dicken from Benfleet were the lucky winners of the top prize in a Gold, Silver and Bronze draw.

By Anamariasmith (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Millionaires Thanks To Team GB Olympic Success
The top prize was worth £1m (Gold). The other two prizes representing Silver and Bronze were worth £100,000 and £50,000 respectively. Team GB Olympic success meant that the Dicken family from Benfleet celebrated and became millionaires . It was a fateful Monday morning and the pair had risen early. Bill checked the ticket and excitedly informed Jean of their win. At first, they mistakenly believed they had won just £20,000. They took the ticket into Benfleet to check and learnt that they had actually won the £1m prize, not £20,000.
The shop passed them a slip of paper with instructions on how to contact Camelot. Jean made the phone call. The operator confirmed however that they had won the £1m prize, not £20,000. It was all thanks to Team GB Olympic success that they consequently became millionaires. Bill sat next to his wife and wondered what was happening as she repeated “no” over and over again. Bill had mistakenly believed that they had won nothing until the excited Jean eventually put Bill out of his misery. He was almost dumbstruck at the confirmation that they had won the top lottery prize. The pair have two children and seven grandchildren and have promised that they would get a share.